Monday, May 13, 2019

In attempt to cover up complaints of poisoning, lawyer Akhil Sibal gaslights Seema Sapra, General Electric Company whistle-blower and sexual harassment complainant against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee who is being poisoned #MeToo #MeTooIndia #GE $GE

13 May 2019 #MeToo

Lawyer Akhil Sibal gas-lighted me today. Told me laughing "you are looking hale and hearty" when I reminded him that I am before the Supreme Court complaining of poisoning.  This amounts to facilitation of poisoning. At the very least it amounts to a reckless, irresponsible, and immoral comment made to someone who has exposed corruption by General Electric Company in the Marhora Rail diesel locomotive Project as a witness and whistle-blower and to a woman lawyer who has made sexual harassment and sexual assault complaints against lawyers Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee and exposed them as dangerous serial sex predators. And a woman lawyer who is making complaints of poisoning. 

And on my request for financial assistance, his answer was - lets wait. I have been literally begging him for over two months. 

Looks like the plan is to wait for me to die or collapse. 

 $GE #GE whistle-blower

The only reason for me being forced to interact with these people is my need to raise money to live. 

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When Shamnad Basheer smeared Seema Sapra, General Electric whistle-blower

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